Quality treatment for all of your pelvic problems

What we treat

It is our pleasure to offer you treatment for all the following pelvic health issues.

Bladder Dysfunctions

Urinary incontinence

Bladder pelvic organ prolapse

Bladder retention

Painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis)

Overactive bladder

Persistent UTI-like symptoms


Bowel Dysfunctions

Dyssynergic defecation

Chronic constipation

Fecal incontinence

Anal incontinence

Pelvic organ prolapse

Painful defecation (dyschezia) and hemorrhoid management

Pelvic Pain







Pudendal Neuralgia

Levator Ani Syndrome

Fibroid pain management

Dysmenorrhea and severe period pain management

Abdominal and groin pain

Tailbone pain (coccydynia) and pain with sitting

Sexual Dysfunctions

Painful Sex (Dyspareunia)

Pain during or after orgasm (Dysorgasmia)

Reduced or absent sexual desire

Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD)

Sexual changes in menopause

Premature ejaculation

Erectile dysfunction

Hard flaccid syndrome

Pregnancy and Postpartum

Sacroiliac joint pain

Pubis symphysis joint pain

Low back pain

Hip pain

Diastasis Recti

Pelvic organ prolapse

Birth trauma dysfunctions

Cesarian section recovery

Postpartum core and pelvic floor weakness

Postpartum return to athleticism

Labor and delivery preparation

Proactive pregnancy movement management

Pre and Post-Operative Care



Endometriosis ablasion or excision

Cyst and fibroid removal

Cesarian section recovery

Abdominal surgery


Superficial and deep abdominal scar tissue management

Gender affirming operations

Not sure if we treat your pelvic problem? Contact us.

Ready to get the help you need?